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January 9, 2021


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# Farmer’s protest

  • The eighth round of talks between the centre and the farmer unions, ended without any resolution.
  • The stalemate continued over the repeal of the three farm laws.
  • The ninth round of talks will be held on january 15.
  • The centre wants the supreme courtto hear the matter on the farm laws and said that government will abide by the decision of the supreme court on the farm laws.




# Zaki-ur -rehman-lakhvi



  • Mumbai attack mastermind and Lashkar e taiba operational commander Zaki-ur-rehman-lakhvi was sentenced to five years in jail on friday.
  • The verdict was given by a pakistan’s anti terrorism court.
  • It is believed that the verdict is being given to fulfill the commitments of Pakistan to FATF on the issue of grey list.




# Army personnel under stress


  • More than half of Indian army personnel seem to be under severe stress.
  • Army has been losing more personnel every year due to suicides, fratricides, and untoward incidents than in response to any enemy or territorial activity.
  • These findings has been published after a study by united service institution of India (USI).
  • It is a service think tank.




# Sources of pollution

  • The Delhi government has started talks with IIT kanpur to find what exactly the sources of pollutants in the city’s air on a real time basis.
  • The same study is being done by university of washington in saint louis for the delhi government.
  • This will further delay the project, which has already missed its deadline six months ago.




# Plea against confession

  • The supreme court on friday agreed to consider a petition filed by a group of women against the compulsory nature of sacred confessions to priests in christainity.
  • The court will examine whether these confessions are an integral part of the religion or not.
  • The arguement of the petitioners is that the forced confessions violated the right to privacy and may lead to harassment and blackmailing.


