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February 7, 2021


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# NITI Aayog



  • NITI aayog is the government’s apex think tank body.
  • NITI aayog has commissioned a study that seeks to examine the unintended economic consequences of judicial decisions that have hindered and stalled big ticket projects on environmental grounds.
  • A perusal of the document appears to suggest that judgements that negatively impact major infrastructure projects don’t adequately consider the economic fallout of such decisions.
  • This study is aimed at persuading the judiciary and policy makers to consider economically responsible approach.




# FSSAI caps transfat



  • The Food safety and standards authority of India (FSSAI) has announced its rules to cap trans fatty acids (TFAs) in food products.
  • The FSSAI had also tightened the norms for oils and fats last month.
  • Food products in which edible oils and fats are used as an ingredient shall not contain industrial trans fatty acids more than 2% by mass of the total oils/fats present in the product.
  • In December, the FSSAI had capped TFA’s in oils and fats to 3% by 2021 and 2% by 2022 from the current levels of 5%.




# Second dose of vaccines



  • India will begin to administer the second dose of covid-19 vaccines from february 13 for the people who were vaccinated on january 16.
  • Health secretary Rajesh Bhushan asked the states to schedule all health care workers for vaccination at least once before march 6.
  • A total of 12 states and UTs have achieved 60% or more vaccination coverage of healthcare workers.




# Mills association



  • The Southern India mills association has sought a rollback of the 10% customs duty on cotton imports announced in the union budget.
  • The mills association said it would escalate the cost of garments and result in higher import of garments especially from countries such as bangladesh and srilanka.
  • India imports mainly extra-long staple (ELS) cotton. The production of these varities is either nil or meagre in India.




# India’s internet start ups



  • India’s internet start ups that operate businesses ranging from food delivery to e-commerce to online insurance, are now on the cusp of listing.
  • More than $60 billion has been invested in India’s internet start ups in the past 5 years.
  • This research has been published by HSBC global research.
  • India has 42 unicorns (firms with $1 billion valuation) and more than 45 sonicorns (potential to become unicorns).

