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February 4, 2021


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# Twitter




  • The union government has issued a notice to twitter to comply with its order of removal of content related to “farmer genocide”.
  • On tuesday evening, twitter restored over 250 accounts, after blocking them due to “legal demand”.
  • Twitter unilaterally unblocked accounts/tweets despite government order of blocking them.
  • Ministry of electronics and information technology has passed an interim order on january 31, as a matter of emergency blocking 257 URLs and hashtags under section 69A of the information technology act,2000.





# Bihar government




  • The bihar government has issued a directive stating that government jobs or contracts will not be given to those who stage violent protests or involve themselves in a criminal act against which chargesheet are filed.
  • Police verification is necessary for government jobs, license for firearms, passports etc.









  • The NGT has directed the northern railway to construct warehouses on platforms for the handling of cement bags in a bid to curb air pollution resulting from loading and unloading of the cement bags.
  • The tribunal also dismissed a plea of the northern railway, which sought setting aside a previous order of the DPCC imposing a fine of 71.62 lakh for failing to curb pollution.





# DNA technology regulation bill, 2019




  • Allowing investigating agencies to collect DNA samples from suspects, as laid down in the DNA technology (use and application) regulation bill, 2019 will give them ” unbridled power that is easily capable of misuse and abuse.
  • This will also amount to a “threat to life, liberty, dignity and privacy of persons.
  • This has been observed by retired supreme court judge justice madan lokur in a written submission to the parliament standing committee on science and technology.





# Interests on PF




  • Employees making contributions of more than 2.5 lakh a year into their provident fund accounts, will have to include the interest on the investments exceeding 2.5 lakh in their annual income starting 2021-22.
  • Central board of direct taxes (CBDT) chief PC mody said this provision will be applied in financial year 2021-22.

