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January 31, 2021


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# All party meet




  • PM Narendra modi on saturday said that the government’s proposal of suspending the implementation of three farm laws still holds.
  • PM modi was addressing an all party meeting of floor leaders in parliament.
  • Farm unions said they are open to resuming talks on the three farm laws.





# Ministry of home affairs




  • The ordinance on unlawful religious conversions, promulgated by the UP government last year, has not been sent to the centre for examination.
  • This is informed by home ministry in response to a query under the right to information act (RTI).
  • The ministry of home affairs (MHA) examines bills passed by states that are repugnant to central laws before they get  the president’s assent to become a law.
  • Article 213 of the constitution, under which the UP ordinance was promulgated, says that the governor shall not, without instruction from the president, promulgate any such ordinance if a bill would have “required the previous sanction of the president”, for introduction in the state legislature.




# Bitcoin ban




  • India plans to introduce a law to ban private cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin.
  • India is also working to put in place a framework for an official digital currency to be issued by the central bank.
  • The law will ” create a facilitative framework for creation of the official digital currency to be issued by RBI.




# Sero survey




  • Approximately one in 15 individuals aged 10 years or older in India is likely to have gone through a SARS-COV-2 infection by august 18, 2002.
  • This survey was published in the Lancet global health.
  • Adult sero-prevalance increased approximately ten fold between may and august 2020.
  • This survey was funded by ICMR.




# Green tax




  • Union transport minister Nitin Gadkari has announced his ministry’s approval of a “green tax” on vehicles.
  • This green tax will be imposed on commercial vehicles above 8 years old and personal vehicles above 15 years old.

