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February 20, 2021


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# Galwan clash



  • China said on friday for the first time that it had lost four soldiers in the galwan valley clash.
  • This engagement by PLA  is made 8 months after the clash.
  • Disengagement at pangong Tso is completed.
  • The 10th Round of talks will be held in moldo on the chinese side on saturday for further disengagement at other friction points.




# Appeal against cairn



  • The Indian government is likely to file an appeal against the $1.4 billion international arbitration award won by cairn energy in tax dispute.
  • The government said it wants to defend its sovereign rights in taxation.
  • Earlier, cairn energy had said that it wants to initiate a legal action to recover the amount through seizure of Indian assets overseas.




# Gold price



  • Physical gold demand in India this week surged as local prices dropped to their lowest since june last year.
  • The gold demand is also expected to pick up in other asian centres after the chinese lunar new year holiday week.
  • Dealers were charging a premium of upto $7 an ounce over official domestic price, the highest in eight months.




# 1 crore vaccine doses



  • India had surpassed one crore cummulative covid-19 vaccine doses administered to healthcare and frontline workers.
  • It took 34 days to reach this milestone in India.
  • India is the 2nd fastest country in the world after US to reach this milestone.
  • Eight states accounted for 57.47% of the total doses administered across the nation.




# class vi textbook



  • The department of public instruction (DPI) in karnataka had decided to withdraw two pages from a lesson, “birth of new religion”.
  • It was a part of class vi social studies textbook.
  • The content talked about some practices during the later vedic period.

