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January 28, 2021


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# Violence at farmers’ protest




  • Deep sidhu and Kisan mazdoor sangharsh committee are blamed for violence at farmer’s protest.
  • FIRs have been registered against many senior farm leaders in this case.
  • Two farmers’ unions have called off protest after violence.





# Elephant corridor case




  • The supreme court on wednesday appointed conservationalists Nandita hazarika as member of a technical committee constituted by it on october 14.
  • On october 14, the top court upheld the Tamil Nadu government’s authority to notify an elephant corridor and protect the migratory path of the animals through the nilgiri biosphere reserve.
  • The reserve is the largest protected forest area in India, spanning across Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerela.




# UT in Karnataka




  • Maharashtra chief minister Uddhav thackrey on wednesday said the disputed border area between maharashtra and Karnataka should be made an Union territory.
  • Maharashtra has been claiming that Belagavi, Karwar and Nipani should be part of that state as they are marathi speaking areas.





# World health organisation




  • Dr. Harsh vardhan, the health minister of India has chaired the 148th session of the executive board of WHO on tuesday.
  • Dr. Fauci chief medical officer of the US president adressed the board on behalf of the Biden administration.
  • He announced that the US would remain a member of WHO and fulfil its financial obligations, with continued technical collabarations at all levels.





# Vaccination drive




  • A total of 16 hospitalisation and nine deaths have been reported so far in the covid-19 vaccination drive.
  • But none of the deaths have been casually linked with the immunisation – according to manohar agnani, additional secretary, health ministry.
  • 23,28,779 people have been vaccinated so far across the country including 2,99,299 on wednesday.


