The central drugs and standards committee (CDSCO) on sunday formally approved the covid-19 vaccines by Bharat biotech and SII.
This allows the vaccines – covishield by SII and based on the Oxford astrazeneca vaccine and covaxin by bharat biotech to be offered to healthcare workers and frontline workers in India.
The health ministry had said that 3 crore such personnel, considered at the highest risk for covid-19 would be given the vaccine for free.
# Academy to promote Tamil culture
The department of art, culture, and language of the Delhi government set up a Tamil academy on sunday.
This academy will help in promoting the south Indian language and culture in the capital.
The academy will introduce various awards to promote and reward the works of people in Tamil language and culture.
# Trans fat levels in foods
The food safety and standards authority of India (FSSAI) has capped the amount of trans fatty acids (TFA) in oils and fats to 3% for 2021 and 2% by 2022.
The current permissible limit is 5%.
This change has been brought through an amendment to the food safety and standards (prohibition and restrictions on sales) regulations.
# Attacks on shia’s in pakistan
Gunmen opened fire on a group of minority shia hazara coal miners after abduction.
They were abducted from a coal mine in south western Baluchistan province of Pakistan.
The Islamic state group has claimed the responsibililty for the attack.
# Soleimani’s killing anniversary
Several demonstrations happened in Iraq by Iran backed militia groups marking the anniversary of killing of general qasim soleimani last year.
Qasim soleimani was the head of quds force of Iran revolutionary guards – an elite Iranian force.
Iran also alleged that Israel is planning a false flag operation against United States targets, to fuel the tensions between US and Iran.