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December 30, 2020


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# Digital ocean



  • Union minister for science and technology Harsh vardhan has launched the “Digital ocean” platform of Indian national centre for oceanic information services (INCOIS).
  •  It is a one stop solution for all data related needs of a wide range of users, includung research institutions, operation agencies, strategic users, academic community, maritime industry and public.
  • Digital ocean is expected to bring a sea change in how the oceanographic data is served for a better understanding of ocean surrounding us.
  • It will play a central role in sustainable management of our oceans and expanding our blue economy initiatives – informed INCOIS director T. Srinivasa kumar.



# GAVI board



  • Union health minister Harsh vardhan has been nominated by the Global Alliance for vaccines and immunisation (GAVI) as a member on the GAVI board.
  • Dr. Harsh Vardhan will be representing the South east area regional office (SEARO) in the GAVI board.
  • The GAVI board is responsible for strategic direction and policymaking, oversees the operation of the vaccines alliance and monitors programme implementation.



# Mandatory front seat airbags



  • The government has proposed to make airbags mandatory for the passengers in the front seat of a vehicle.
  • The step aims to improve passenger safety in case of accidents.
  • The road transport ministry has issued a draft notification in this regard.
  • The proposed timelines for the implementation of the move in April for new models and june 1, 2020 for existing models.




# Mutated virus



  • Preliminary results from a cohert study found no statistically significant difference in hospitalisation and 28-day case fatality between cases with the new variant and wild type comparator doses.
  • There was also no significant difference in the likelihood of reinfection between variant cases and the comparator group.
  • This report has been published by the Public health england.




# Today in history



  • 1803 – The British east india company took Delhi, Agra and Bharuch under its control.
  • 1906 – Establishment of All india muslim league at Dhaka.
  • 1943 – Subhash chandra bose hoisted the Indian independence flag at Port Blair.

