A virtual climate action summit is being organised to mark the five years since the signing of the paris agreement on climate change in 2016.
Under this agreement, 190 countries had committed to taking action to limit global temperature from rising beyond 2 degrees celsius.
Addressing this summit, Prime minister Narendra modi said that “India was not only on track to fulfilling its climate commitments, but would go further.
India had reduced its emissions intensity by 21% since 2005, installed solar capacity had grown to 36 GW in 2020.
India renewable energy capacity is the 4th largest in the world and would reach 175 GW before 2022.
# Inner line permit
A pressure group in Meghalaya has petitioned PM Narendra Modi demanding the implementation of Inner line permit (ILP), a British era entry restriction in the state.
They also demanded scrapping of CAA.
This memorandum is submitted by the Khasi student’s union. The union fears that the meghalaya will become like Assam and Tripura, where the indigenous population has been overwhelmed by the migrant population.
The inner line permit (ILP) is based on the Bengal Eastern frontier regulation of 1873, where an outsider of the state has to get ILP to enter the state.
It is currently applicable in Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, and Nagaland.
# Malnutrition
The Madhya Pradesh government has issued an order for the appointment of committees led by mothers to ensure better monitoring of services delivered at anganwadi or day care centres across the state.
These mothers will keep a watch on weekly ration distribution to beneficiaries as well as suggest nutritious and tasteful recipes for meals served to children.
It will strengthen community response to the problem of hunger and malnutrition in the state.
These will comprise 10 mothers for each anganwadi.
They will be called ‘matru sahyogini samiti’.
# Credit push
NITI aayog CEO Amitabh kant on saturday said that India’s private credit to GDP ratio was the lowest among its global peers.
The government is in the process of putting in place a framework for a credit push towards untapped segments.
Amitabh Kant said these words while addressing a virtual event organised by the “global alliance” for mass entrepreneurship” (GAME).
# Today in India’s history
1232 – Iltutmish, the ruler of the slave dynasty, captured Gwalior.
1920 – International court of the league of nations was established in the Hague, Netherlands.
1996 – Kofi Annan was elected as the secretary general of the united nations.